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Aaron Scott
Aaron Scott

Sparkle - I'm Gone

Twilight Sparkle : [sighs] That would be nice, Spike, but what if something else came up while we were gone? What if we were delayed getting back and I wasn't able to finish everything on that list? What if we lost the list on the way to Ponyville and then couldn't remember which things we'd done and which things we hadn't done, and then spent so much time trying to figure out what we hadn't done and what we had done, and we ruined the entire Celebration by not doing the one really important thing that we were supposed to do?

Sparkle - I'm Gone

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LAWERANCE: Staying in trouble. That's why I wanted to graduate, so I could move her down here. That was my whole goal since I've been down here. It's seems like all the joy, all the happiness, all everything is gone.

MARCO: I was supposedly in Mexico. I dropped out for a whole semester, and I didn't have to prove nothing. You know, they were just, like, OK, he's going to Mexico. That's it. And that was it. Like, I was gone. Like, supposedly, I was gone.

And to me, I was, like, OK, you know, I'm not going to worry about it. I know I'm doing better than him. And that's what I want her to do, my little sister, to be something. I know I'm going to be gone, but I told her she better pass all her classes, and you know, behave because I don't want her growing up like he did.

In the case of "I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone," the rough edges should perhaps have been left on. It's unwise to place the blame for this totally on Sam [Phillips], since Elvis did after all willingly work on the completed master. Yet it's almost uncanny how close this flip side sounded, mood-wise, to "You're a Heartbreaker" before it and "I Forgot to Remember to Forget" after. That "I'm Left, You're Right, She's Gone" has more of a sparkle to it than the other two titles shouldn't be overlooked, but upon hearing the outtake, one can't help but feel that some of the life was ultimately polished out of it.[10]

SparkleneelysparkleThe people you meet on the web can be very interesting. I've metBroadway stars, publishers, recording artists, gossip columnistsand many others in the business. But none were ever like Sparkleneelysparkle. He was special.Allow me to explain. On the Internet, especially in chat rooms, one choosesa handle, so to speak, to express their opinions and it's pretty mucha way of talking to the world in disguise. When Sparkleneelysparklestarted posting on Talkin' Broadway's message board, All That Chat, it wasn't hard to figure out who he was. The sparkling wit and caustic comments could only belong to one person, Edward Margulies, the Hollywoodcolumnist, whose caustic wit and observations made millions laugh.And yes, Sparkle was Ed, and yes, he made us scream with laughter. But hehad keen observations on the film industry as well. Sadly, Sparkle passedaway on November 16th from a heart attack at the age of 48. It cameas a shock and those of us who knew him are simply stunned. He was ourfriend. His wit was so incredibly on target that you could not help but convulse with laughter with his cynicisms. Even his last column at suggested that Michael Jackson should not be cast as Edgar Alan Poe in a film but should be cast in the re-make ofThe Picture of Dorian Gray. Sparkle went on to say that Jacko shouldbe cast as the "painting." Such was the wit of our dear friend, SparkleNeely Sparkle.Ed loved trashy old bad movies, thus the handle, which came from TheValley of the Dolls. He even co-authored a book titled "Bad MoviesWe Love."In the 3 years Talkin' Broadway has been published many of us have metin cyberspace and then brought those meetings to the real world where wegained new friendships. I've asked 2 of those friends to share theirexperiences, Old Man, a regular poster on our forum and BruceKimmel, record producer at the Varese Sarabande label.Old Man"Like a lot of people here at Talkin' Broadway, I first encountered Sparkleneelysparkle as a fellow poster on All That Chat. Always irreverent but clearly soaring in the smarts department, I always looked forward to a Sparkle post. Not knowing Sparkle's gender or even the origin of the name(I obviously found out both - in time), I was nonetheless constantly intrigued by Sparkle's breadth of knowledge and the clarity and fearlessness of his unmuddied opinions. Sparkle also made it known that he and I had the same geographic origins and we both still lived in the same vicinity. So I asked a fellow forumer to see if Sparkle would be willing to accept a communication from me. With our initial communications, we decided to have lunch at a local LA eatery.I knew Ed Margulies for about a year and a half and he made quite animpact on me. My first reaction to Ed was that he looked very similar to Martin Mull, with the same sort of acerbic, biting sense of humor that Mull himself might have. Though separated in age by about a dozen years, our paths were quite similar. We attended the same high school and university, though at different time. We both were children of parents in the entertainment industry and, as adults, we made our own livings in entertainment as well. We understood each other and both enjoyed our lunch conversations a great deal. He would talk about being on the sets of projects like Roots, The Thorn Birds, and, more recently, Dash & Lily (after all, his dad remains one of the best and most respected producers in television history), and I would listen. When I would apologize for not being all that interesting myself, he would often frustratedly ask why I would ever say such a thing - that I was being totally ridiculous. His no-nonsense attitude made such a statement from him a real honor. But, his life was so interesting to me, as it was similar to mine but for the fact that his seemed so much more LIVED! My sense of responsibility was countered by his sense of adventure. And I think we admired each other for the other's strengths. We talked about theater, movies and television, about my job, about his job as an editor and columnist at Movieline and planning the Movieline website. We spoke of the awards last year in Santa Barbara, about his departure from Movieline and his new column for Mr. Showbiz. (I even provided him with the material to write the piece that got him the Mr. Showbiz job!) And we talked about life, family (both being the products of divorced parents), religion and (what else in LA?) traffic.At our last lunch, on October 22, we talked about Ed's two jobs of the moment (and how much he liked them) and how he had decided to plan financially for his future. He thought it was time to finally start acting like a responsible adult. He said that this was a subject that he had always avoided, but that he wanted my advice on how to start getting his "grown up" act together. Again, what an honor! He was actually asking ME for advice! We had a great conversation - as always - and it certainly wasn't only about the "business" of "growing up". We talked about his burgeoning (and thriving) business on eBay, what was up with the forum and some of the forumers, our thoughts on television and some of the information from his latest Mr. Showbiz column, plus countless other topics. I had to get back to my office, so we had to cut the lunch short (I think that's allowable after a two-hour lunch). But we both were eager for the next lunch and the next exchange of ideas. What a terrific guy he was, and I could (but won't) go on and on. Though I only knew him for a short time, I don't think I'll ever forget Ed. He was intelligent, articulate, funny, thoughtful, open to new ideas, straightforward and appreciative. It's pretty amazing when you think aboutit. John (V.J.) Gillespie created this little community, and some of ushave actually made human connections that have truly impacted our lives. My wife and I have established REAL friendships with people because of this cyber-meeting place - people like Bob, Steve, Jim, Maisey, Michael, Rodney and others - and, of course, there will always be Ed Margulies - who was, and shall remain, much, much more than just a Sparkle."Bruce Kimmel"I met Sparkleneelysparkle on a discussion board just like the one hereat Talkin' Broadway. There was some thread about theaters-in-the-roundfrom the 60s and it turned out that we'd both seen all the same shows atall the same theaters. We began to correspond and also found out we'dattended the same restaurants, done the same things and known the samepeople all throughout our childhood, teens and adult lives. In fact, wesurmised that at one time or another we'd probably been in the sameplace at the same time but had simply not met. We had many things incommon. Our senses of humor, the film business, love of musical theaterand a vast knowledge of all things trivial. We were never able to stumpeach other in terms of bad movies; we both knew and had seen them all.Our favorite was The Creeping Terror, an incredibly bad monster film inwhich the monster is five men in what appears to be a large piece ofcarpet. We finally met and had dinner, accompanied by my pal Jason Graae, who Iknew would love Sparkle. We supped at La Boheme, a trendy restaurant onSanta Monica Blvd. filled with trendy people who we spent the eveningskewering with great delight. We barely had time to eat we werelaughing so hard. Because of our schedules, we hadn't been in touch as often in recentmonths. On Halloween, I received the following e-mail from him:Looked for you last night at the Jason Graae concert but missed you ifyou were there. As far as I'm concerned he should just change his nameto Jason Great -- that's how much I liked his show. Hope you'll doanother CD with him sometime. Speaking of which, I have been meaning to e-mail you for a while now totell you how much I love the Brent Barrett CD. Bought it solely on KenMandelbaum's In Theater review and am I glad I did. Play it all thetime. As usual, your astonishing combination of songs makes thedifference. Thanks for being you, basically. Thought you might like to know that I've taken a new job. Have beenwriting for a couple of months now the "Showbiz Confidential" industrygossip column at Mr. Showbiz web site online -- when you have a freemoment take a look -- -- I write two columns aweek. Happy Halloween! Sparkleneelysparkle I was leaving for New York the following morning and just figured I'danswer it when I returned. I got back a week later and kept forgettingto go to my "saved" pile of e-mails. As irony would have it, I wasgoing to answer it this last Wednesday evening when I got the news thatdear Sparkle had passed away. Needless to say, I was in shock. Theworld has one less light without the wit and warmth and kindness of myfriend Sparkle. He DID sparkle, and he made all around him sparkle,too. I'm somehow certain that wherever he's gone to he's telling themall about The Creeping Terror and keeping them in stitches. Rest inpeace, dear Ed. We miss you already." Wanna' talk to others about this column or anything else theatre related? Check out All That Chat 041b061a72


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